You can prevent the loss of sales and gain additional revenue and supplies by researching guilds on your realm and talking with their officers. This article will use mostly pve guilds as an example but many of the principles can be applied across the board.
Know who is buying what, when they are buying it, and what they are buying it for. If a major guild has a set raiding schedule know their schedule, know the guilds policies and how they acquire the consumables needed for their raids. If they craft their own feasts then find out where they get their base mats from, if they buy their feasts work out a deal to meet them 1 day before their raid or on a similar basis and be their provider. Do they make flasks or buy them, are the members left on their own to come with supplies? Make sure you stock your auctions based on the guilds needs or deal with them directly.
If you know that they don't need a specific item when they raid then hold out on putting it up for sale until a guild that does use the item. Let's look at some flasks for an example. Lets say Guild A raids Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday and Guild B raids Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Now you could have a routine of placing 20 flasks in per night at Xg. But with some research you find out that guild A crafts their own flasks with mats from the AH and build B buys flasks directly. Lets also say you are slightly overstocked on icethorn. With your guild research you know that guild A will probably buy your icethorn on Tuesday or buy out any competition and you can get a higher amount for your overstock. Then you can also put maybe 10 flasks in on Tuesday instead of your usual 20 and then move the extra 10 to place auctions in quantities of 30 on Wednesday and Thursday for 48 hours.
these adjustments on a larger scale will create a large increase in your profits over time. especially if the price is fluctuating based on demand. This research gives you a better roi for your flasks and a smarter outlet for excess herbs taking up space in your bank.
The idea of learning more about guild schedules is pretty easy. Another important item to watch guilds for is their progression level. If they get 50-75% of a raid on farm chances are they are disenchanting a lot of items on a weekly bases. most guilds let these shards pile up or they auction them and have to manage the auction house in addition to their guilds. You can be a great service and setup a relationship with their bank officer, make them an offer to purchase their excess shards or items at 30% less then the current AH rate. Every time the guild is done on a Monday you meet the bank officer and purchase their stock, extras whatever they have for you. Flip it for 25% (30% - AH fee of 5%) or use it for your crafting.
Keep an eye out for drama, breakups, and server transfers. Characters max at the 10,000g for a transfer so they will probably try to cap as many trustworthy members as possible. Dumping large amounts of raiding mats and items onto the AH at a low buyout to get the gold. Players leaving with large stocks of raiding mats also will usually liquidate their stocks.
Reading on the forums, paying attention to what guilds are popular and which are not in chat will be a very useful tool to tweak your sales and make relationships that lead to new streams of cash.
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