Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cataclysm Stock Pile

With new content within months of release it's time to start talking about liquidating the bubble goods in your bank and stocking up on the long term items which will gain in value post release.

First up is the bubble goods, typically everything that is top line end game consumable or a item with little to know collecting potential.

Most of these goods listed above are not used past 425 when skilling up a profession or a less expensive item can be found in substitution (in other words you can get to your cataclysm level training without anything listed above). epic gems and item enhancements will be replaced in cataclysm with new end tier enhancements.

Next up we have the keep list. If you already have these goods in your inventory I would try to hold off using them before cataclysm as their value will rise 3-5 months after the release of the expansion. If you do not have these goods, try skimming them out of the auction house on a low bid increasing your margins even more as we wait for cataclysm to be released.

This list might go further but the idea behind it is keep anything that is required to level a profession and keep them in the most beneficial format (hold stacks of greater cosmic essences instead of stacks of lesser)

Here is my additional tip to the big time stock pile: use the 30 day mail between alts to hold this inventory until the demand is peaking which I predict to be after the first progression raid is on farm for your server.

Why wait so long?

Well after a guild gets something on farm, the alts and power leveling of professions is what many turn to in downtime while waiting for blizzard to release something new to conquer. The first raid that gets farmed generally is when most returning players are active. Therefore more buyers.

One last little thing to watch for is people dumping items that may be more valuable to process. And example would be someone putting 100 raw monarch topaz on the Auction House for less than 4.5g If you have a jewelcrafter than you can easily cut and vendor them at a profit. I anticipate this happening for several items so keep your snatch list up to date!

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