Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Short Tip: Opportunity Cost and Inscription, Reducing the mailbox relay

Are you dealing with a large amount of competition in the glyph market as more players join the lucrative dark moon card trade?

If you are you may find yourself playing a lot more of the mailbox relay as you try to maintain a market edge in the world of glyphs. I used to spend about 5 minutes flipping auctions 3 times a day. Recently there has been a lot more people joining my competition and flipping has increased to about 15 minutes more than 3 times a day just to maintain the same margin I was getting before the first fair's aftermath. After the first DMF people starting bragging about their profit and a lot of scribes have been showing up since then.

There are really 2 options you have here:

1.) start battling with glyph walls and undercuts. Reduce your margin and post above crafting cost making it really low for other scribes to make a decent amount of gold

2.) reduce your stock to only the highest value glyphs and hover over those auctions to make sure you are getting the sales.

Personally I like option 2 as it will reduce your crafting time and the amount of time you do the relay. Battling probably won't work well in Mists as the cooldown will maintain a value for the darkmoon decks and scribes probably will not leave the market during the fair.

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